In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Big News

Robyn's pregnant!! We found out in the middle of March that Robyn is, in fact, with child. After visiting the doctor and getting a sonogram, we have learned that the baby (notice: singular) is due on November 16.
We are definitely excited by this news as it is an answer to our requests.
To answer some of your questions: 1. We will have the baby in the city here, as there is an excellent doctor who speaks English and is highly recommended by the folks on the field. 2.We will not be shipping the baby home. We understand the concern that it may cause having a child in a new country, but oddly enough, we've come this far, so we'd like to keep our newborn child with us so we can be a family--it's all the rage.
This will be a challenge, although an amazing one, so please remember this when you think about us.

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