In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Angels Entertaining

Yesterday, we made a brief outing to get some needed supplies (TP) and other household goods. At some point in time, Robyn's phone fell out of her pocket. She only noticed this once we got home around 9, recognizing that there were several places that it could have fallen. We called the phone with no reply, so we basically wrote it off as an unfortunate loss.

Amazingly, we got a call from the phone around 11. A local lady found the phone and wanted to see if it belonged to us. (Luke's number was one of 2 stored on the phone).
She spoke about 10 words of English and Luke could only mutter a few locations and with that, we arranged a meeting. We planned on getting her info and thanking her properly, but she saw Luke walking along the road to the meeting place. She came up in a taxi, pointing at the phone! Luke offered her a reward, and she wouldn't take it, and before he knew it, she was gone. We didn't get to know her name or get her phone number, but we were very thankful that we got to meet her. It has increased our love and respect for the people here.

Sometimes we get to entertain angels, and sometimes, they get to entertain us...

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