In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Coloring Eggs

It's fun to play with kids. It's fun to be a kid. Most of all, it's fun to be an adult with all its privileges and responsibilities and to be able to act like a kid.
We had a great time playing with Stazy. She had a great time being a kid. And Robyn, I, and our friend, Ajlan, had a great time acting like kids.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

2 Years (and counting)

We apologize for the online hiatus. It was somewhat unplanned. Turkey suspended the use of for a time.
Meanwhile, we are excited to be celebrating 2 years in Turkey! Wow! We remember arriving in 2009 and looking at the beautiful tulips spread out along the highways and in planters around the city and gaining a great first impression of our new home.

2 years later, we still love spring! Winter can be long and dreary, but when the sun comes out, the memories start to fade and we look forward to summer. The strawberries are already out and getting cheaper by the day. Soon, we'll be feasting on peaches, watermelon, and ohhh ho ho, baby, the cherries! There is a perfect storm that comes in early May when pretty much all fruit not called grapes can be found and we make our Easter cornucopia of fructose-laden indulgences that are better than their candy counterparts.

Thanks for keeping up with us. We hope and pray to have many more "fruitful" years!