In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Casting Call

Does anyone know if there are any ice cream bar companies looking for an ad baby?

I told Stazy she needed to lay off the ice cream and that she looked like she was getting a little chubby. She just laughed at me and said that first of all, I should never criticize a lady about her weight, and secondly, she assured me that it was all just baby fat. Touche...

Meanwhile, if you ever get the chance to try a Magnum bar, we highly recommend it. Robyn's favorite is the white chocolate (seen here), where as Luke's is the double chocolate (a chocolate ice cream bar dipped in chocolate, surrounded by more ice cream dipped in more chocolate... are you really worried about calories when you have that much chocolatelyness in your presence!?!)

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