In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Ali is one of Luke's friends from the gym. He came to watch the Saints whoop up on the ponies and found a new friend to play with in Anastasia. Luke had a good time trying to explain football (American style) in Turkish. It went something like this:

The ball thrower takes the ball and throws it to a person who catches it. He runs. Other people try to make him fall. If he goes 10ish meters, he gets 4 new chances to do it all again. When the ball goes over the last line, the team with the ball gets 6 points and gets to try to kick the ball between the high sticks.

If they fall too much or don't catch the ball in 3 tries, they have to kick the ball or try to kick the ball between the two high sticks again.

Ali: Ohhhh...(Turkish for "huh?")

(picture to come)

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