In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Monday, January 18, 2010


We were pretty much resigned to staying in town for the last few months of Robyn's pregnancy. After Stazy was born, we pretty much still stayed close to home. Turks don't even leave the house with their babies for the first 40 days (except for hospital visits and emergencies). So we were ready for a quick break from the city after being cooped up since the beginning of September.
We hopped on the overnight train to Thessaloniki/Selanik to visit our friends and have some relief (not to mention pork). Stazy did great on her first international trip. The border guards were funny since they didn't ask any questions after they saw we had a young child. The only concern they had was that she didn't have any stamps in her passport...uh...because she was born in Turkey. "Ohhhhhhhh..." We gave them our residence permits and everything was fine.
We enjoyed our visit. We ate lots of pork and managed to resist the urge to "pimp our kid."
These are pictures of the White Tower, which was a part of the old city wall and also the interrogation/torture/lookout tower. The other picture is of the ancient agora where experts believe the riot in Acts 17 took place.

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